Thursday, October 9, 2008

Wonderful Visit!

We had a very nice turnout for Grandparents' Day! Please extend my thanks to all of the grandparents who were able to make it. Unfortunately, I know that not all grandparents are able to attend, but please convey to them how much I enjoy working with their grandchildren! The music performance was spectacular. Our entire class did a fantastic job of participating. I have never heard so many students singing at one time. I was very impressed.

Also, congratulations to all of the students who took part in the Cross Country meet. Everyone did their personal best and should be proud of their accomplishment.

On to week, we will be working on the rules for multiplying by 0 and 1. I would encourage everyone to begin reviewing all multiplication facts now. We won't be assessing on mulitplication until early November, but I'd like students to be reviewing the facts that they already know.
We should finish Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing sometime next week. I gave the students a Tic-Tac-Toe board of activities for the book. They are to choose one activity from each row to complete independently, for a total of 3 assignments. I have listed the due dates under the "Important Dates" heading. There will be minimal class time to work on these assignments, so they are homework and are the students' responsibility to finish on time.
We will be finishing our science/social studies unit on the land in Indiana in the next week or two, as well. Prior to a test on the subject, we will complete a study guide. I will give the students an exact date once I see how long the remainder of the unit will take us.

Remember that we have Challenge Ed on Thursday, so check the weather forecast and be prepared. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

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