Monday, October 27, 2008


As I'm sure everyone is now aware, I've assigned another project. This one is for social studies and deals with the geography of Indiana. I realize that everyone worked very hard on the Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing projects, which is why the map project is not due until November 7 (Friday). This should give everyone enough time to get it completed and turned in to me. I also included a copy of the grading page so that students were aware of what is expected of them.

Just to update what we're doing in class, we are going to have a quiz in Word Study tomorrow. We're also tying up some loose ends in reading before Mr. Laingren starts book clubs next week. In writing, students are finishing up their personal narratives, which are due on Wednesday. Mr. Laingren began teaching the math indicator on relationships between addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, as well as a social studies unit on Indiana government and elections. Since 4th grade focuses on Indiana History, our election study will focus on the gubernatorial race.

I hope that everyone has a relaxing and safe Fall Break!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Challenge Met

Thursday was a big day in our classroom. First, Mr. Laingren (our student teacher) joined us for the first time. What a day to start a new assignment! Within 10 minutes of the students entering class, we were on our way to Challenge Ed. The students showed throughout the day that they could work together to solve problems. They also supported each other on the low ropes activities. The students cheered for their classmates, and, in some cases, carried them to the finish line. It seemed like everyone enjoyed the day, including me and Mr. Laingren.

This week will bring an end to many of the units on which we've been working. On Monday, we will finish Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. I did change the due dates for the 2nd and 3rd projects (Oct. 20 and 24, respectively). I'll also be assigning a personal narrative in writing that will be taken for a grade. We've been working on adverbs and prepositions. Next week, we'll review prepositions, talk about verbs, and take a quiz over it all on Thursday. In math, we'll be working on patterning. I am not pretesting this indicator because we are spending such a short time on it. I'm planning on a test over rocks, glaciers, and the land of Indiana towards the end of the week. I'm thinking Thursday again. Students may bring home science and social studies books to begin reviewing what we've already read. We'll also review in class.

In regards to having a student teacher, I will continue the majority of the teaching until Fall Break. The plan is for Mr. Laingren to take over teaching on November 3. I know he's excited about this, and so am I. The students also seem really glad to have him in our class. It's going to be a wonderful experience for us all!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Wonderful Visit!

We had a very nice turnout for Grandparents' Day! Please extend my thanks to all of the grandparents who were able to make it. Unfortunately, I know that not all grandparents are able to attend, but please convey to them how much I enjoy working with their grandchildren! The music performance was spectacular. Our entire class did a fantastic job of participating. I have never heard so many students singing at one time. I was very impressed.

Also, congratulations to all of the students who took part in the Cross Country meet. Everyone did their personal best and should be proud of their accomplishment.

On to week, we will be working on the rules for multiplying by 0 and 1. I would encourage everyone to begin reviewing all multiplication facts now. We won't be assessing on mulitplication until early November, but I'd like students to be reviewing the facts that they already know.
We should finish Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing sometime next week. I gave the students a Tic-Tac-Toe board of activities for the book. They are to choose one activity from each row to complete independently, for a total of 3 assignments. I have listed the due dates under the "Important Dates" heading. There will be minimal class time to work on these assignments, so they are homework and are the students' responsibility to finish on time.
We will be finishing our science/social studies unit on the land in Indiana in the next week or two, as well. Prior to a test on the subject, we will complete a study guide. I will give the students an exact date once I see how long the remainder of the unit will take us.

Remember that we have Challenge Ed on Thursday, so check the weather forecast and be prepared. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!