Sunday, August 28, 2011

Down to Business

This week will be our first full week of class.  We are getting a hang of the procedures and will continue to practice those throughout the next several weeks.  This week, though, it is time to begin the academic part of 4th grade.  The math lessons this week will focus on place value.  We'll be building on what you learned last year by learning about numbers up to 1,000,000.  During guided reading, we will read a short story titled "The Luckiest Man," which is about Lou Gehrig.  We'll use this story as a way to introduce setting, characters, and plot.  In writing, we are going to set up our notebooks and start thinking of topics we about which we might like to write.

I'd like to remind everyone about Back to School Night on September 8.  Since we no longer have parent-teacher conferences, this is a great chance for us to meet one another.  I'm looking forward to seeing everyone there!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

2011 Welcome

What a great start to the 2011-2012 school year!  We spent the day learning the classroom procedures and expectations.  Everyone followed directions and was eager to participate.  The day went by so fast!

Hopefully, everyone has seen the discipline plan and the homework policy.  These are new this school year, and I will be discussing them further at Back to School Night on September 8.  Please sign and return just the bottom half of the second page as soon as possible.  If you have any questions, please let me know.

For the rest of the week, we will continue to perfect the classroom procedures and set the stage for a successful school year. 

I will be updating the blog by Monday of each week.  On the weeks that we don't have school on Monday, I will have the blog updated by the next school day of the that week.