Friday, September 5, 2008

Back to School Night Success

I would like to thank everyone who was able to make it to Back to School Night. I enjoyed meeting the students' parents and getting to share what our classroom is all about. This afternoon, I sent home a half sheet of paper with my contact information on it as well as individual student's STAR math scores. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding the STAR reading or STAR math. If you were unable to make it last night, I sent home the information on the grading scale and our trimester power indicators. I'm available to answer any questions you might have.

I'm happy to report that we earned our first reward for oustanding behavior! The students voted to have a comfy reading day on September 9 (Tuesday). What this means is that they may wear pajama pants and a t-shirt and bring a pillow, blanket, or stuffed animal to keep them comfy during reading time. I also told them they may bring slippers to wear in the classroom. However, they need outside shoes for entering/exiting the building, recess, and walking in the hallways. My general rule is that they can only bring what they can fit in a backpack. Of course, students are not required to participate or they may only bring that with which they are comfortable.

Again, it was nice to meet everyone last night. If I didn't get the chance to meet you, please know that you may call or e-mail me with any questions or concerns. I'll look forward to seeing everyone at Parent-Teacher Conferences, if not before.


Anonymous said...

Mrs. Cannon, Do I need to define my spelling words or just keep at home for studying?

Mrs. Cannon said...

Great question! Just keep them at home for studying. We will be defining and working with the words in class. However, if you'd like to get ahead, you can start working on them at home now.

Anonymous said...

Hey mrs cannon!!! how ya doing? My mom had a very good time and enjoyed learning more about how our class works. Thanks for taking the time to talk to everyone that night. It was a total success!!!

C ya l8tr!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey mrs.cannon. im so glad to be in your classroom. my brother has told me alot about you and everything!

Anonymous said...

you need to follow up with your blog, my mom has a comment she needs to know the answer to by Tuesday. Thanks so much,

Anonymous said...



Mrs. Cannon said...

You just have to click on the link. Then there are a lot of things you can click on to try. Have fun!