Today, two members of the Portage Fire Department visited to talk with us about Fire Prevention Week. They had a great demonstration and video to share which emphasized the importance of smoke detectors and escape plans. The things we learned can help save lives. For example, every floor of the house needs a smoke detector. This includes the basement! There should also be a detector outside of every bedroom. The smoke detectors should be tested every month and the batteries changed once a year. There should be two ways out of every room in the house. These exits can be doors or windows. The other important information is to draw a map of your house and label ways out of every room. Your family also needs to have a meeting place outside of the home where everyone should go once they are out safely. Call 911 once you are outside of the home from either a cell phone or a neighbor's house.
I have included the National Fire Protection Associations website on the Cool Clicks list. Please check it out for more information on how to keep your family safe. They also have tools to help you design an escape plan.
The firefighters invited everyone to attend an open house at Fire Station 1 on Friday, October 12. There will be food, information, and fun. i will be sending home a flyer with additional information. I hope that you are able to join them!
are u going mrs cannon???
I don't think I'll be able to because I'm having company that night after school. If you're able to go, I'd love to hear all about it!
Hey mrs.cannon,so today is fire prevention day?? anyways c u at school mon. ♦♣♠☺☻♥ p.s are u going to fire prevention? and last of all Mrs.cannon do u have an e-mail now last of all please write me bac
I was unable to go to fire prevention because I had company coming over. I do have e-mail. You can get to it from the blog by going to my profile. Or you can e-mail me at jcannon@portage.k12.in.us.
I went to fire prevention.It was fun but some kids were playing in the Ambulance and that made me and my mom mad.
miss cannon see i missed dat because i didnt look on da blog
Aiso about the kids playing the Ambulance.The Amblance is not a toy.Do you think they should not in Amblance.
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