This week we are getting ready for Grandparents' Day on Thursday. Tomorrow we will have a musical practice, and I'll also be putting together a slide show of memories that the students prepared during computer lab over the last two weeks.
Also, a reminder that reading projects are due on October 10. If there are any questions, please let me know as soon as possible. The project should be the student's responsibility with some assistance from a parent, if needed.
Science Fair will be October 25. If your student is growing something, you may want to have them get started. Just make sure that she/he writes down every step so that when we write our procedures, she/he will have the correct information. The official start date will be Wednesday, once we've written the procedures in class.
Next week, we will be heading out to the Challenge Ed course at Fegley Middle School. A permission slip will be coming home tomorrow. Students will need to pack a lunch for the trip. We leave school at 9 a.m. and return at 2 p.m., so no additional transportation is required.
If your child is running in the cross country meet, please make sure that she/he is dressed for the weather, has a light snack and drink, and a ride home from Woodland Park. We are supposed to have beautiful weather, so it should be a great race!